
As the Rocket League Championship Series (RLCS) expanded into a truly global circuit, a new strategy around the league’s branding was needed. I, along with Ian Nowakowski, and the team at Akimbo built out and refined a comprehensive visual style and voice that could translate easily across broadcast graphics, social assets, and printed media.

More of Akimbo’s design process can be found here.

Majors and Splits

Throughout the course of a competitive season, our team would produce thousands of hours of broadcasted content. To keep the sense of progression throughout the year, we would make changes to the competitive formats that heightened the intensity of each win and loss. With those changes, we’d also introduce new themes, motifs, and color palettes to avoid overexposing our audience to the same assets every weekend.

With each Split being named after a season and each Major taking place in a specific city, we had the ability to lean into certain characteristics to fully brand a given event.


World Championship

As the pinnacle of our ecosystem, the World Championship’s visual identity draws the most eyes from around the world. With in-game tie-ins through Champions Road and our partnership with Swarovski, pursuing a crystalline theme to our gilded World Championship brand was a natural fit.